Resident Evil: When Remakes Are Done Right

We recently completed the remake of the horror classic; Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil has always been a staple series in the horror gaming genre. In fact, most entries in the series have been known for their superb atmosphere building and satisfying combat systems that juggle intense action sequences with draining tension. One moment you are running and gunning just trying to fend off an onslaught of enemies. Maybe the next moment you get a breather. But wait! You are out of ammo because the stress of being swarmed caused you to miss one shot too many!

And then, that moment happens.

The moment the game throws a tough or new enemy at you, or worse, a tough new enemy! You are faced with a grueling moment of strife, fear, and anger at your own carelessness just a moment before. Will you have enough ammo to take down your new threat? Will you instead be able to get past the enemy and avoid fighting it altogether? How much damage will you take trying out your half-baked strategies? Will you even land your freakin' shots?! All this and more go through your head many times throughout a play-through. And we think that's what Resident Evil does best.

While neither of us really grew up close to the entire Resident Evil series, its effect on us is no less prominent. With Resident Evil 7 giving Nush a run for her money (and lunch!), and Doza actually screaming several times during Resident Evil 2, it isn't hard to admit that Capcom has certainly recaptured Resident Evil's true essence in recent releases after the shift the series experienced starting with Resident Evil 5.

Now, to be fair, the most experience we have beyond these two titles is somewhat limited. While Nush got to 'enjoy' her first taste of true horror gaming live on stream, Doza has dipped his..toes(?) in the horror genre before including the Dead Space series as well as Resident Evil 4 and 5 with 4 being played many times over. No barrel left un-smashed!

Now that Capcom has seen riveting success with the remake of RE2, and everyone still reeling in the hype leading up to the remake of Resident Evil 3, of which we know zero things about, how will Resident Evil 3 pan out?? We optimistically look forward to its release this April. Until then, hopefully we'll get to play Claire's story.

On a saltier note, supposedly on Nintendo Switch, RE5 and 6 have gyro aiming but RE4 doesn't? What nonsense is this Capcom?? Oh well, at least we still have the Wii version of RE4 so look forward to that sometime in the future because we certainly are! (But for real, the wiimote is Doza's favorite way to play Resident Evil 4)

And before we go, remember that you can watch our entire play-through of Leon’s story on YouTube, and here's a hot take…

Resident Evil 5's coop makes the game more fun. *mic drop but don't really because microphones are expensive*

Nush and Doza OUT!


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