The infamous Globdeer are festive cuties who first arrived in the Globiverse in December of 2022 to help Nush & Doza spread holiday cheer to all the Globby Globs! From hosting special giveaways, assisting in sending out holiday cards, announcing bonus live streams, promoting jolly Glob Merch, and more, they dedicate their lives to helping plan all the end-of-the-year festivities for the Glob community. Their goal is to ensure that Nush & Doza, and every member of their Glob fam, make fun memories with intentionally lit celebrations during what’s arguably the most wonderful time of the year!
As they are a unique sub-species of Globs (according to the Glob Scientists), there is still so much to learn about the Globdeer. Rumor has it that they are even working on a few super special holiday projects that might take years to complete, but like any creative journey, they are patiently building and working on it when they can with determination knowing that the time will eventually come for the big reveal.
For now, you can learn more about each of the main Globdeer, their humble beginnings all the way to succint introductions, below!
First up is our big kahuna, the leader of the pack who doesn’t need any accessories - BLAZE. He’s extremely confident and comfortable in his own skin and is unapologetically himself. He’s also always first in line to volunteer to help his fellow Globdeer, and Globs, with anything and everything. While Blaze does tend to put a lot of pressure on himself to be a model Globdeer, he’s working on finding ways to take it easy once in a while. In the meantime, he’s always striving towards accomplishing his goal and looking for ways to share his philanthropic spirit near and far.
Next, we’ve got HOLLY. She’s got a massive heart for the holiday season but you might not know it because she’s a rather shy Globdeer. She prefers to stay in the background and help others make their holidays special but tends to stretch herself too thin and stumbles when she tries to make her holidays enjoyable. Despite that, she’s grateful for her tight-knit best friends who often pick up on her struggles and lend her a helping hand when she needs it most.
DIO is a self-taught musician and singer who is never afraid to jingle all the way! They don’t like to brag about it, but they helped N&D create their Globby Holidays playlist. Even so, sometimes imposter syndrome gets the best of them, never truly believing in their own skill, but they try not to let their insecurities stop them from sharing their talents with anyone willing to listen. You can often find Dio initiating any holiday-related tunes at every turn.
LAILA is one of the most confident independent Globdeers you will ever meet. While her name may mean night, whenever she enters a room, you can be sure she will be lighting it up with her spunky, invigorating personality. She had quite a traumatic childhood so she’s learning how to not be afraid to protect her heart as an adult. When she was younger, she never felt like she had a voice, so now she makes one for herself and prioritizes standing up for others as well.
Although a bit reserved most of the time, our last Globdeer, RAY, really steps out of his comfort zone around his best friends. He also gets super cold easily regardless of the weather so you’ll never see him around without his signature scarf even if wearing it does make him appear more introverted than he actually is. It also double serves as a security blanket of sorts when he’s around people he doesn’t know very well but it just takes a moment for him to settle in with people on the journey to making new friends.
That’s all the Globdeer information for now, but the Glob Scientists are constantly compiling more data about this bunch as many other Glob findings, so don’t hesitate to let N&D know if you have any further questions so they can pass your message along!