Glob Points are the Nush & Doza community's loyalty system that rewards our loyal viewers with virtual currency that can be used to interact in special ways with our live streams, like triggering stream alerts for all to see, having us do things live on stream, and more!
If you go to GlobPoints.com, you can check out our Loyalty Store and see all the things you can use your Glob Points on and all the available commands. We have a variety of Stream Perks, Sound Effects, and Benefits available to spend your Glob Points on right now.
Our current Stream Perks are:
Doza Kermit Voice - Make Doza say a sentence in Kermit's voice!
Motivation - Request a random motivational quote that we'll say out loud!
Stay Hydrated - Make us take a break to stay hydrated and drink some good ol' H20 (AKA Water)!
Tongue Twister - Make us attempt saying a Tongue Twister.
You can also spend your points to cause a disturbance during our live stream through a range of Sound Effects like:
Deez Nuts
Finally, we've got some other Benefits like Merch Discounts where you can spend your Glob points to get a discount promo code to use in our Merch storefront for physical items! Sometimes we also offer other benefits, like where you can redeem a physical or digital card from us during various holiday seasons.
Now that you know what's available to spend your Globs Points on, you're probably wondering how you earn them. You can accumulate Glob Points in a variety of ways:
The easiest way is by subscribing to our YouTube channel, watching our live streams, and chatting during our streams!
In addition, we offer points randomly throughout streams by asking questions and awarding the Glob, who responds first with points of varying amounts.
We also give out points for other community happenings, like participating in community events and hangouts on our Discord server.
That covers everything Glob Points related for now though we do hope to continuously come out with more redemptions by growing our Loyalty Store over time!
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any other suggestions for Loyalty Store perks/benefits and, of course, if you have any questions. Chances are you aren't the only one with that question, and we want to make sure we are being as thorough as possible for an enjoyable and entertaining stream for all the Globby Globs!