Since we started our journey we’ve received some messages here and there from brands wanting us to promote their products and services but we held off because it is incredibly important to us that we only align ourselves with partners and brands that we actually use.

If you click the logos below you’ll be redirected to our affiliate & brand deal links, if you purchase through these links we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!


Canva is a graphic design platform used to create graphics that includes many templates, stock photos/videos, and more with a super easy user interface! We bring our designs into Canva to use their printing services and love their content planner!

Sticker Mule is an American custom printing company, specializing in stickers, labels, magnets & more. We use them for all of our stickers that we send out to our Patrons and when we respond to fan mail! Use our link to get a $10 credit to create custom stickers of your own and we’ll get credit too!

Humble Bundle is a digital storefront for games, books, and more! Your purchases through this link not only supports us, but also supports charities and developers. We are always keeping a watchful eye for the best game deals on their site!

This link is specifically for one Microsoft 365 Family subscription that includes premium office apps, 6TB cloud storage & advanced security for up to 6 people! We use this on both PC and Mac devices for work and personal use on the daily!