Favorite Cartoon Couples

Love is in the air, or so they say because Valentine's Day is around the corner. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day and this month is more about celebrating Doza's birthday month for us, but it's hard to ignore love all around us around this time.

In fact, last year during this month we actually started a relationship series on YouTube where we discussed our favorite pop culture couples coupled along with a speed art to boot! We actually really want to make videos like this again but since work has been a bit crazy we've decided to instead briefly write about some of our favorite cartoon couples in no particular order!

Aang & Katara - Avatar: The Last Airbender

If you've seen our video about these two, then it'll be no surprise how much we love to see these two together. Basically, we love how much they support each other both before and after becoming a couple. With all the hardship they experience, it's something to really look up to!

Kim & Ron - Kim Possible

Another couple we made a video about, Kim and Ron embody what it means to love someone through their insecurities. Not only can they look past each other's weaknesses but they actively help each other move past them and improve one another every day.

Bob & Linda Belcher - Bob’s Burgers

Our most recent couple we covered in video form, Bob and Linda are anything but conventional. Managing a healthy relationship can be hard enough but to add running a business on top of that? That takes a whole new level of love. Yet, they still find time to uh…show how much they still love each other.

Marianne & Nigel - The Wild Thornberrys

Marianne and Nigel Thornberry are a unique couple made up of a highly disciplined woman and wildly eccentric man. Going beyond their complimentary chemistry together, they pursue their dreams of traveling the world seeing all sorts of sights and animals together. One hosts, one produces, and both are each other's professional and personal foundation.

Ginger & Darren - As Told By Ginger

Most of their relationship takes place in their preteen/teen years as far as we're shown. However, it's such a breathe of fresh air to see a couple born out of a friendship that wasn't instantly shipped from the get go. It felt organic.

Jake The Dog & Lady Rainicorn - Adventure Time

Jake and Lady have a more non-traditional relationship. First, their kids grew to adulthood in a matter of days not leaving much time for parenting. They also didn't live together for most of the time leading up to this. The icing on the cake? Well, in their world, dogs and rainicorns were mortal enemies making their relationship that much more special and impactful. Think like a more cartoony Romeo and Juliet situation!

Mom & Dad - Dexter’s Laboratory

The thing that really stood out about Dexter and Dee Dee's parents wasn't that they were left unnamed in the show; it was how they aren't afraid to show their love even in front of their kids. They often defended each other, kissed each other, or otherwise embraced each other without reserve.

Carl & Ellie - Up

Carl and Ellie have a special kind of bond. The idea that you meet the love of your life over a shared passion as children and follow that all the way through getting old together?! Just wow.

Cosmo & Wanda - Fairly Odd Parents

DISCLAIMER! We are talking about Season 1-5 Cosmo and Wanda. No girl Timmy, no fairy dog, no fairy baby. That being said, while they often bicker and go against each other's wishes (no pun-intended), they always try to make sure the other knows how much they love each other. Also, they've been married for about 10,000 years and against Comso's mom's wishes! Now that's something!

Princess Bubblegum & Marceline - Adventure Time

Princess Bubblegum and Marceline had an interesting relationship that unfolded during the series. While it was popular to ship the two because of their cat & mouse-like friendship (before they were confirmed canonically), they do truly care for each other in a way where neither could imagine life without the other no matter their personal hang-ups.

As you can probably tell, we certainly have a soft spot for couples who pursue their passions together and/or allow each other to thrive independently as well as one unit in life. One of our long term goals is to create more couple videos, but in the mean time we hope you enjoyed our picks and brief reasonings outlined here today. What are your favorite cartoon couples? Are there any in particular that inspire you in your life? We’d love to hear your thoughts!


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