Top Games To Play Together

Whether you have a special someone who you want to play games with, or if you have a friend or even sibling you'd like to game with, we thought it natural to talk about some of our favorite games to play together side by side. Here are a few of our favorites! You'll notice there is a trend of jolly cooperation in this list.

Overcooked 2

Overcooked 2 builds and improves upon everything from the first one. If you don't know much about this title that's ok! This indie joy plops you and up to 3 others in a precarious kitchen where you are tasked to handle incoming orders, general kitchen and cooking management as well as making sure you don't butt heads with your fellow cooks too much! Oh, did we mention you are on a strict timer?? Between that and trying to work together, you'll have a blast trying to optimize your kitchen duties while also possibly raging at each other at the same time. Communication is the name of the game. Think rage inducing moments of Mario Kart/Party but you're supposed to be working together!

Mario Maker 2

Mario Maker 2 is the quintessential classic Mario platforming experience. On top of that, there are endless levels being uploaded every day! Enjoy a wide array of level archetypes fit for anyone's taste. You can easily search for your favorite type of levels at the drop of a hat. Playing Mario together has always been a special experience for us. Even in our childhood, we almost always had another to play with whether it was a sibling, cousin, or friend. We'd be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn't shared in the joy of platforming as the plump plumber duo throughout the years. Also, it's actually super easy to pick any level and just…play. Not only that, building levels together is it's own special experience too. We really mean that, like, one 'joy-con per person' kind of building which is super cool. So, with that being said, thank you so much for this one Nintendo!

Stardew Valley

Slowing it back down here with this one but Stardew Valley is probably our new favorite game to play together currently! While our lives are  a whirlwind of mini-events, twists, and turns right now, Stardew Valley is the perfect palette cleanser to our lives currently. Basically, the game takes your character out of the hum drum of a office cubicle and transports them (via bus lol) to their grandfather's dilapidated farm and it's up to you and your limited knowledge to bring it back to it's full glory. Exploring, farming, clearing, foraging, making friends with the townsfolk and delving into a few mysteries of the town, Stardew Valley has a lot to offer to pretty much anyone. There's even a mine where you can fight monsters and delve ever deeper into the abyss that is the unknown. Between Nush and Doza, there are certainly certain aspects that we tend to gravitate more strongly towards but generally, it's just a joy all around. There's something really special about building something from nothing together.


Speeding things right back up, we have to strongly suggest Overwatch. We've both enjoyed Overwatch at different parts of our relationship with different levels of intensity. However, there was a moment last year where things between us just…clicked. Overwatch is a team based shooter where you try to work with your teammates to control an objective against another team of players. Typically, which ever team makes the most effort to synergize will do well. This is where playing together comes into…uh, play. There is a very diverse cast of heroes all with their own unique playstyle and strengths meaning there's pretty much a playstyle for anyone. Not only that, but a lot of those heroes can play off each other for some impressive game-shifting results. While we both enjoy most heroes at any given time, being able to settle in and work together and then see the fruits of our labor in the form of winning is an awe-inspiring feeling to be sure. A bit of a heads up here, Overwatch is inherently competitive in nature and is fairly fast paced as well making the learning curve a little bit higher than the others on our list. Of course, this can be combated by finding the hero you really resonate with after a short time. That is one of the great things about Overwatch too, you don't have to worry about being good at everything. No pressure right?


Last but certainly not least, we have our most intense recommendation for you all. Cuphead is a love letter to old school animation as well as old school gaming where difficulty and overcoming  challenges is the core of the experience. This isn't some kind of 'pick up and play' game. The levels are too long and the bosses are excessive but learning patterns and trying new things in the form of powerups you collect as you play is the real name of the game. Also, would you believe this Is one of those rare cases where playing together is actually harder than playing alone? It provides another unique layer of challenges when you have to manage your own space as well as your partner's since you can still save each other in the event one of you dies. However, there's more to worry about generally and the actions of the other can affect you as well. Keeping all that in mind, if having those moments where you two become like a well oiled machine and your gameplay transcends your initial thoughts and worries, then Cuphead is easily one of the best games to experience together. It truly delivers on the "Omg I can't believe we did it" feeling we all seem to chase to varying degrees while gaming.

Well there you have it. These are our top 5 games to play as a couple right now. While there are many many more games we've enjoyed together over the years, we wanted to shine our spotlight on 5 games we've enjoyed together more recently both on and off stream. Some were done with the intent of completing them - to have a game completed for our own sense of accomplishment, while others were games we've enjoyed over time in our leisure. Whether you enjoy gaming for your own purposes or being able to share the joy of gaming with those you care about, we would love to hear about your favorites too!


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