Getting Uncomfortable And Reevaluating Relationships

Can you believe the first quarter of 2023 has already come to an end? As we reflected on this past month we've noticed a change in ourselves that has been years in the making. While this sense of change we recognized can be attributed to many different things, a common theme we've noticed that particularly stood out was how we embraced being uncomfortable while reevaluating our relationships.

Relationships play a significant role in shaping who we are and what we believe in. Whether it's long-term relationships like those with romantic partners, family members, and friends, or even those of varied lengths with colleagues, professional service providers (like CPAs since its tax season lol), teachers, classmates, and more. Every relationship between you and another person is going to change over time just as you both change on your individual journeys. Taking the time and courage to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and reevaluating relationships has been transformative for us even if it was super uncomfortable in the process.

We started to recognize patterns of behavior that were holding us back or causing us harm. Confronting difficult truths about ourselves and others, and facing the possibility that some relationships may need to change or end altogether was difficult. But in the process, we gained the courage to set boundaries and communicate our needs more clearly. We also became more intentional about the relationships we chose to pursue while seeking out those who align with our values and support our growth as much as we do theirs.

It's been a great realization in helping us live a more authentic and fulfilling life that aligns with our values and aspirations while also providing clarity on our priorities as we progress toward achieving our many goals.

Here are some things that happened this past month, March 2023, in our lives:

Thank you for reflecting with us! If you’d like to share what you've been up to this past month, please comment below, reach out to us through your favorite platform, or hop by a live stream on YouTube to chat. We love hearing from y'all!


Embracing & Recognizing Progress Over Perfection


The Dynamic Duo: Vulnerability & Courage