Knowing When To Move On is Hard, But Important

As we're sure many of you have experienced recently, this past August has had more than its fair share of ups and downs. It's probably been one of the most energy-taxing months this year, and that's saying something! But, there is a notion that has been creeping around in the back of our collective minds, and it seems to rear its discerning head at every turn and every decision.

That notion is, of course, being able to recognize when to move on to give the best chance at the next arc! It's a delicate skill to be sure, and it is often hard to pinpoint and really nail down what decision is the right decision. Oftentimes, we're presented with opposing opportunities or the lack thereof, and we have to make the tough choices, whether it has to do with making a career move, navigating relationships, or working on personal goals.

Everyone everywhere is constantly parroting the same thing about never giving up and chasing your wildest dreams, and while that isn't necessarily wrong, even if we fully believe in this, it doesn't leave any room for when things don't go as planned. You can put all the time and effort into something only to have it blow up in your face or simply fizzle out through no control of your own, and it's hard to face that reality sometimes. Instead of toiling away at something, a shift in perspective, a break from the grind, or transitioning the original intended goal into something that better fits your current path and is more realistically achievable can have surprisingly positive results. 

But how does one make the best of a situation or know when to move on? After all, everything in life is transactional with your energy and time, especially time, since it's the one thing you can't recover or make more of. But it's important to understand that just because it might be best for you to move on, even from something you poured your heart and soul into, it doesn't mean you've failed. It's quite the opposite, actually!

The conscious choice to pivot, adapt, and overcome your circumstances in a different way than you originally envisioned is an invaluable tool for achieving greater things later down the line. It's a sign of emotional maturity realizing that just because you want it doesn't mean it's guaranteed, but also to not let that thing stop you from moving on to bigger and better things. Letting go or 'cutting your losses,' as it is sometimes less eloquently put, is brave and allows you to focus your energy towards something even more meaningful even if you can't see it at the moment.

That is certainly not new to us in the slightest if we're being honest. It makes sense doesn't it though? Abandoning your endeavors, letting others or yourself down in the process, having to admit that you didn't have what it takes? Feel like a flake, perhaps? Well, you shouldn't. If you know, in your heart of hearts, that you gave it your all, and you aren't making light of your decisions, take some solace in knowing that many others do not yet have that strength to go for something different or something unknowingly bigger. It's not a skill that comes easy to anyone. But if you embrace change, and let go of what isn't working out or what doesn’t serve you, you can find your true potential lying in wait for that next big era in your life.

Here are some things that happened this past August in our lives:

  • Completed a huge website creation project from start to finish in less than 48 hours for a client which is the shortest turnaround we've ever done to date!

  • On August 11th, 2023, Blue_Sad gifted YT Memberships during a live stream for the first time in our channel's history, and many other Globs gifted throughout the month as well to help us reach over 30 for the first time!

  • Had numerous power outages due to the really hot 100+ degree days in our city that had a trickle-down effect to where we couldn't work sometimes and hit our weekly business goals, had to cancel/delay live streams, and weren't able to get all the videos we wanted to make out as intended.

  • Was supported by some pretty epic Globs in our 5th Anniversary sale featuring The Globby Globbage design! Thank you Pika and Anthony for sharing pics of your merch! <3

Thank you for reflecting with us! Comment below and share your reflections, reach out to us through your favorite platform, or swing by a live stream on YouTube to chat with us about all of the things. We love hearing from y'all!


Uncertainty Is An Inherent Part Of Being Human


Never Underestimate The Power of Reflection