Recognizing When It’s Time To Reset And Refocus

January 2023 indeed flew right on by quicker than we can even begin to process in some ways!

In fact, as we sat down to reflect on this past month and put together the next installment of our Monthly Retrospective Series we realized the series has shifted a bit even in its first 6 months of existence. While we continue to share behind-the-scenes highlights from our day-to-day along with a message to ourselves that we hope others might find helpful or resonate with, the posts themselves have been a mashup of a few things from recollecting lows, highs, and anecdotes from each month to sometimes just diving deeper into a specific notion or feeling that has been weighing on us.

Not every month is going to have a lot to share, nor will there always be things we want to share publicly. We also realized this month in particular that we had way more video highlights than could fit into one less than a minute video as we typically release this series as a short-form video.

Does this mean that moving forward we should make these types of retrospective videos more frequently than just monthly? Kind of like mini Vlogs, or should we get into Vlogs outside of just when we go to a convention or other in-person events? Or stick to the variety of videos spanning gaming, food, and art that we already create without trying to add more?

Honestly, the questions (as well as their answers) are quite endless and are all a part of the creative process as, well for lack of a better word… a creator. As creators, artists, gamers, foodies, Globs, and humans there is so much we want to do and share so we're going to take our own advice from our first-ever blog post from 3 years ago and continue to Just Do It while refocusing and resetting as many times as we need to since there is no right or wrong way of going about the creative journey.

Here are some things that happened this past month, January 2023, in our lives:

Thank you for reading and reflecting with us! If you’d like to share what you've been up to this past month, please comment below, reach out to us through your favorite platform, or hop by a live stream on YouTube to chat. We love hearing from y'all!


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