Life Nush & Doza Life Nush & Doza

Never Underestimate The Power of Reflection

As we sat down to reflect on July 2023 together, we were overcome with so much emotion and reminded how incredible the journey has been for us as we commemorated five years of Nush & Doza. The last five years have been filled with so many twists, turns, and milestones, both big and small. Today's retrospective also marks our 13th reflection, one year since we started our Monthly Retrospective Series.

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Life Nush & Doza Life Nush & Doza

Recognizing When It’s Time To Reset And Refocus

January 2023 indeed flew right on by quicker than we can even begin to process in some ways! In fact, as we sat down to reflect on this past month and put together the next installment of our Monthly Retrospective Series we realized the series has shifted a bit even in its first 6 months of existence. While we continue to share behind-the-scenes highlights from our day-to-day along with a message to ourselves that we hope others might find helpful or resonate with, the posts themselves have been a mashup of a few things. From recollecting lows, highs, and anecdotes from each month to sometimes just diving deeper into a specific notion or feeling that has been weighing on us.

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Life Nush & Doza Life Nush & Doza

5 Intentions For A Better Year

Happy New Year! As we reflect on 2022 and step into 2023 there's so much we're grateful for. We've accepted certain things so we don't dwell on them as much, learned a lot more about ourselves, and evolved in unexpected ways. While goal setting is something we do regularly, and not just at the beginning of the year, we wanted to share 5 intentions we hope set the tone for a better year…

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Life Nush & Doza Life Nush & Doza

‘Tis The Season To Be Intentional

The holidays are no joke. It's a joyous time of togetherness, gratitude, and overall festiveness filled with numerous auspicious events and gatherings from many cultures and religions. However, it can be a very busy, stressful, sad, and lonely time as well, in addition to being an exhausting time with all the planning, travel, cooking, decorating, entertaining, shopping, gifting, and everything else the season entails. Humorously the holidays have earned a bit of a sided, yet mixed reputation depending on who you ask.

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Life Nush & Doza Life Nush & Doza

Why Motivation Can Hold You Back

Motivation is a tricky thing. With the right circumstances, motivation can be a powerful tool in accomplishing your goals and deeply contribute to the feeling of you moving forward in life. After all, who doesn't want to move forward? It's pretty much a universally reliable direction to head in right?

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