Taking the “Just Do It” Concept and Applying It

Welcome to the first official post of the Glob Blog!

With the start of a new decade, we wanted to start blogging when inspiration strikes. Up until now all of our writing have been exclusively shared on Patreon but we wanted to start writing about anything and everything we feel like sharing in this new decade without holding back because of fear or any other insecurities.

For a little context on why we are choosing to start a blog we need to take it all the way back to 2017 when we first started having conversations about doing something with our lives that is more passion inclined. In fact, in those early stages we did more talking than creating. There were numerous brainstorm sessions, research nights, and even frustration from not being able to balance our work life, social life and starting something new together.

It came down to setting goals and just doing it because if we wanted to do it enough, then we would prioritize and make the time to do so. It's the same concept with wanting to build any habit. Start by doing something daily until it becomes a habitual part of your routine.

Once we conquered that battle, which we later realized stemmed a lot from the fear of failing, the other thing we really struggled with was in regards to what we wanted to focus on. A lot of the research we did said you need to find the thing that you love the most, or to find a niche that you can be an expert in. However, even though we love each other immensely, we are so unique and different. Some might even say complete opposites even though we have some similar interests.

As two individuals coming together to create something we decided to focus on those main similar interests which were games, food and doodles (which has since evolved to comics and art).

In fact, when we first established Nush & Doza we had two main goals:

  1. To play and experience more video games together through streaming.

  2. To share our love, lifestyle, passions, and story through our glob-tastic original characters.

So by starting a blog, even if we can't make a video, comic or art for everything we would like to talk about or create, we still have a way to share things more regularly regardless of what our schedule is like. This is very important to us since our main source of income for our lifestyle and passions is through our freelancing business which fluctuates immensely. So we never really know what each month, week, or sometimes even day looks like.

Instead of talking about doing something, brainstorming constantly, figuring out the right method to create and share, we are just going to JUST DO IT!

Some of our goals for 2020 are to move, to travel, to create more, and to get out of our comfort zone to experience more out of life together and with our fam/friends!

We can never be certain about the future, but we can focus on doing the best we can every single day by trying to not let the negativity (sometimes from ourselves unfortunately) or naysayers get in our way. So, if we want to create or write about a game, we're going to JUST DO IT! If we travel and want to share that then we're going to JUST DO IT! If we want to review a movie, tv show, restaurant or blog about an experience, we're going to JUST DO IT!

Let this be a reminder to you that if you want something - then go after it without letting fear, or anything else, stand in the way! Even if you only have an hour a day (or even week) to give towards your goals outside of school/work/etc. then JUST DO IT! Just dreaming about it without action won't get you anywhere. Do something, get out there, and JUST DO IT this year and through the new decade. Less talking and more living while being focused on what's important to you.


The Powerful Message of Life Is Strange 2