Resident Evil: When Remakes Are Done Right
We recently completed the remake of the horror classic; Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil has always been a staple series in the horror gaming genre. In fact, most entries in the series have been known for their superb atmosphere building and satisfying combat systems that juggle intense action sequences with draining tension. One moment you are running and gunning just trying to fend off an onslaught of enemies. Maybe the next moment you get a breather. But wait! You are out of ammo because the stress of being swarmed caused you to miss one shot too many!
Our Top Video Games For Fitness Goals
With the start of any new year, we've naturally been seeing a lot of people talk about their fitness goals and resolutions on social media. We've tried setting up fitness goals in the past but to be completely honest, we've definitely struggled with it ourselves and have had a love/hate relationship with working out.